The Beginning... Two brothers and one sister with the last name of Shamberger traveled on a ship to the United States. It is not known where they originated, however, we believe they arrived from a foreign country, believed to be Germany since Shamberger is a "German" name. One brother died aboard the ship. The other two Shambergers settled in a small town named, Star, North Carolina. They obtained a plantation with slaves working the farm. On this plantation, two brothers were born. Their names were James (Big Jim), born in June and George C. born in May, 1853.
During the time of slavery, it was customary for slaves to be given their master's last name. Therefore, James and George took on the last name of Shamberger. They like many slaves often ran away only to be captured and brought back to work the plantation in Star, North Carolina. James and George received their freedom after slavery was abolished.
James met and married Adeline Strickland. To this union four children were born; Laura, Arthemishia (Mishie), Elsie, and George.
George C. Shamberger met and married Annie Jane Lydia Johnson, who was born on November 17, 1854. To this union it has been recorded thirteen children were born. Three children whose names have not been discovered at this time and two children, Isena and Jimmy whom we have only their names listed and an approximate year of birth. The other children born to this union were, Alex McKoy, John Wesley, Rufus F. , George Mason, Onslow O., Wincie Ann, Alethia and Ella.
George C. Shamberger died in 1898, Annie Jane Lydia Johnson Shamberger, later married James Poole on August 6, 1898. No other children were born to this union. James helped Lydia raise her children along with his only daughter Sarah. The family was raised near Carter's Mill, which is located between Robbins and High Falls, North Carolina. There are eight generations thus far!
Much of the Shamberger Family history is oral history taken from family members and family obituaries. Some of our genealogical history was obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. and from the NC State Archive in Raleigh, N.C.